Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Singapore offshore Company

An offshore company Singapore offers several advantages to companies and organizations around the world. Below are some of the main advantages of having an offshore company Singapore.

Setting up an offshore company Singapore ? does not convey the image of a tax haven. As such, it makes it easy to open bank accounts in other countries. International banks are fully aware that an offshore company in Singapore is completely legal and subject to the laws and strict government regulations.
? Even though Singapore is not seen in a tax haven, creation of an East type of enterprise in Singapore offer significant tax benefits. Benefits to corporate companies globally transferable to Singapore without difficulty and can enjoy tax benefits.
? Singapore is considered as one of the offshore jurisdictions service best. Registering a business in Singapore is enhanced by exceptional infrastructure in current technology, very good political stability and Government support and an extraordinary legal environment with intellectual property rights completely.
The main legislation governing corporate entities registered in Singapore ? are the companies act and the income tax act. Therefore, a Singapore offshore company registration is not a complicated or cumbersome process.
? company can register as a resident company or a non-resident company. You can also register as a foreign branch operation or simply have a representation Office.
? Government not typically impose any restrictions on financial transactions and transfer of funds from Singapore offshore companies however, business entities that are related to financial services, media, education and other business operations confidential may have an impact on policy and the image of the island are carefully monitored and regularly analysed their business transactions.
? Singapore A offshore company enjoys all powers as a natural resident or a local company.
? Due to that English is the main official language, different laws and regulations are readily available in English. Corporate documents can also be submitted in English and shall be accepted as such by all related governmental authorities. This facilitates a process easier Singapore offshore company registration.
Rate of tax on the income obtained in Singapore ? is 17% since the year of 2010 evaluation. Even so, the effective tax rate is significantly lower for business entities which are qualified to take advantage of tax incentives. On the basis of these incentives, the effective tax rate varies between 15% and 0%. Dividends come from foreign countries, foreign branches and service income benefits come from other countries are exempt from tax in Singapore.

The above illustrates how the opening and operation of an offshore company Singapore offer immense benefits for all types of business entities and entrepreneurs from around the world. Singapore has become a major world financial centre and provides an efficient home for companies across a wide range of business sectors.

Healy consultants is a leader in corporate services helps entrepreneurs and investors with the creation of an offshore Singapore Enterprise and other corporate services. The company offers a range of services to facilitate the success of the offshore company Singapore, including opening Corporate Bank accounts of Singapore. You can find more information about the incorporation of the company by visiting

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