Saturday, December 11, 2010

7 Reasons why you should migrate A Singapore

Are you considering to migrate to other parts of the world to start a new chapter in his life?

Moves in order to find a job? Or want to experience a different culture?

If you were looking for a decent work, as well as a place where you can live comfortably, then I would recommend "Singapore".

A survey conducted recently, Singapore was elected as the best city in the world for expatriates Asians to live in. Surpassing even Japan, Shanghai and Hong Kong.

There are many reasons to choose to live and work in Singapore, but basically there is 7. They are the following:

Strong reinforcements of law -

You never get to see protests, strikes and riots in the streets of Singapore. This is the result of the application of the strict law by the police. Anyone caught implicated in any of the previous events, shall be imprisoned and fined.

Currently, the death penalty still exists in Singapore. Someone had caught in drug trafficking, or committed murder or abduction could be sentenced to death.

Another advantage of living in Singapore is pretty sure walk alone on the streets. While crimes occur, the rates are relative lower than in other countries.

Locals joke that any person who has committed a crime is nothing to run, but jumping to the Sea (i.e. since Singapore is surrounded by the sea). Another joke is that before the thief can escape, has come to the police (Singapore is so small).


What makes it so attractive to live in Singapore is its peaceful environment. There is no natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, tornadoes, and winter coldness. All you have is rain or. But air conditioning is very powerful. One could say that it is inner winter.


Making use of the geographical location of Singapore, many organizations large and small set up bases here to gain access to other parts of Asia and Middle East.

Serves as a "Gateway".

Even China's enterprises are setting up offices here to access the United States and Europe markets. That being so partly to benefit from free trade between these countries and Singapore signed agreements.

Even foreign workers are using this small country as a first step to obtain work experiences and improve their English, so you can jump to other developed countries, such as United States and Europe Australia.

Since almost everyone comes here, has become the place of establishment of networks for businesses and job seekers.

Indulgent immigration - rules

Do you know Singapore is one of the countries that have less stringent standards of immigration?

No one can come to Singapore, insofar as it gets the necessary passes or documents.


You can travel from one end of Singapore at the other end of an hour!

Transport here system covers the entire country and you don't have to possess a car to travel.

Public transport including trains, buses and taxi/taxi Mass Rapid Transit (MRT).

Even if you have a car, the roads are well connected.


The education system serves all students.

There are many schools, colleges and universities for those who do well academically.

For the good guys in sports, there is even a sports school to nurture and train them.

Apart from these schools, there also are several colleges and institutions to provide students with specialized knowledge.

Even private schools and institutions in Singapore are of high quality. For this reason, many foreign students enrolled and are studying here. When these students have graduated, many decided to continue to stay and work here.

Political environment-

Singapore is quite unique in terms of its political environment. There are very few opposition parties. The dominant political group is party action (the popular PAP) which governs Singapore from the day of independence.

As such, there is no coups d ' état, resistance or even confrontations.

This is important for companies to invest here and foreigners living here. You can be sure of the security. You don't have to worry about the loss of jobs due to the unstable political environment and investment.

Another reason why the political environment here attracts foreigners is their policy. The receipt of Government Singapore talents.

Be surprised to know that in 2005, approximately 44% of the jobs available were foreigners! (These 44% not including permanent residents).

Singapore is indeed so hungry for people with talent and qualified. Where has the skills, knowledge, experience or talent, are certainly welcome here.

Of course, there are many other reasons why thousands of foreigners are flocking to Singapore to find jobs or to live here. But the above are the main reasons behind this measure.

If you is tempted to migrate to Singapore these 7 reasons, be sure that it is not alone.

Who knows, could even set and obtain citizenship.

Copyright@2006 Yen-Ying Hor

Author: Hor yen-Ying currently resides in Singapore and has written an ebook "Working in Singapore" guidance for those interested in coming to Singapore finding employment or to live here. URL:

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