Tuesday, January 18, 2011

TOC strengthens its resolve in the face of gazetting

Written by Ng E-Jay
14 Jan 2011

The Online Citizen website has affirmed that it would not be intimidated by the recent action of the authorities in gazetting them as a political association or being required to register with the Media Development Authority (MDA).

In a statement entitled “Keep Calm and Carry On” released today at 1800hrs, TOC said they have been completely above board in their operations, and that they have nothing to hide nor fear from being gazetted. TOC added that “shutting down or going underground is precisely what those who misunderstand us want”, and they will not give them that satisfaction.

TOC has also written to the Prime Minister’s Office seeking a clarification on why it is being gazetted as a political association. In an open letter published together with their press release, TOC said that they “do not engage in partisan politics, and have no interest in engaging in partisan politics”.

They also added that “TOC is political to the extent and in the exact same way that all ordinary Singaporeans are political: by being interested in, and talking about, political issues that impact us and our country”.

As such TOC believes that being gazetted as a political association on the basis that it is “an organization whose objects or activities relate wholly or mainly to politics in Singapore” in unreasonable, and they asked the PM to reconsider his decision.

TOC also affirmed that they have never received foreign donations, and never intend to, and as such, have nothing to fear from being gazetted as a political association. Nonetheless, TOC has chosen to raise the objection as it feels that the threat that bloggers face in being gazetted “will have significant chilling effect on free expression in Singapore“.

Pending the outcome of TOC’s appeal to PMO to reverse the gazetting decision, TOC also said in a letter to MDA that they would, for now, not be sending MDA any information.

I personally believe The Online Citizen has handled the matter very professionally. They clearly understand the significance and implications of being gazetted as a political association, and have articulated why they feel it is an unfair move by the authorities.

But one thing stands clear: TOC is not afraid of being gazetted as it has already remained open and transparent, and has never availed itself to foreign funding. All their editors long ago have revealed their identities, and they are also likely to be prepared to put their names down on record and be held collectively responsible for TOC in the legal front.

In fact, on the issue of foreign funding, it is the government that has been hypocritical. Our government through its investment arms have regularly interfered in the domestic politics of other countries.

In fact, Singapore’s Government-Linked Corporations (GLCs) have even funded Australia’s political parties: see here. This is very shameful.

The government has enacted laws that seeks to intimidate its citizens and curtail freedom of speech. However, some people would not be intimidated or curtailed in such a cowardly manner. Only those who live in the shadows and attack other people behind a veil of anonymity should be afraid of the glare of sunlight. TOC has absolutely nothing to fear indeed.

View the original article here

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